Legal NoticeWe create values for customers through green innovation & secure assurance.
Legal Notice

1. Limitation of Liability

The content of the website is created with utmost caution. However, we do not assume any responsibility for the validity, completeness, or correctness of the provided pages and their content.

2. External links

This website contains links to third-party web pages ("external links"). These linked web pages are the responsibility and control of their respective operators. We have no impact on the content of these web pages. Including external links does not mean that we have ownership of the content behind the links. After initially placing the external link, we reviewed the external content to determine if there were any illegal activities. At that time, no illegal activities were identified. If any illegal behavior is found, the link will be immediately deleted.

3. Copyright/Subsidiary Copyright

The content, works, and information published on this website are subject to legal constraints. Especially suitable for copying, editing, translating, saving, and replicating content in databases or other electronic media and systems. Unauthorized copying or sharing of the information provided on these web pages is not allowed and may result in legal penalties.

4. Product Information

The product specifications, technical application information, and all other information published on the website are based on the latest knowledge as of the date of publication. These are not binding and do not constitute guarantees. Customers must review whether the product is suitable for its intended use in every situation. Within the scope of the general terms and conditions of sale, the specifications agreed upon with the customer shall serve as the exclusive contractual basis in the event of warranty claims. If there is no consensus on the specifications, our standard specifications shall apply.

5. Legal effect

This document is considered part of the Internet product. If some parts or individual phrases no longer fully comply with the current legal situation, this should not affect the rest of this document in terms of content or validity. We reserve the right to modify or terminate all or part of their website at any time. We do not assume any responsibility for updating this website.

6. Applicable Law

Any claims or lawsuits related to this website or its use shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Chinese law, excluding conflicts of legal principles.